Strawberry Spotlight: Sanicole of Over Xposed Productions

 When it comes to cinematography , the multifaceted director-writer Sanicole uses Chicago to tell stories. Similar to how the young Spike Lee used the backdrop of Brooklyn and the stories of many black inner city youth, Sanicole uses every breath of Chicago from its clothing designers to its food to tell the stories she films.

Text Tone, the latest short film from Over Xposed Productions demonstrates a new age love story in the technology world. After missing a few calls and messages, the main characters find themselves in an interesting communication twist.

Over Xposed Productions shoots more than just films. They also produced digital EPKs, music videos and commercials.
For more on Over Xposed Productions and their upcoming films check out their official website.

Tune in to at 9:30PM as we talk to Sanicole about her next project.
