Beyonce' sets America straight.

Pop phenomenon, Beyonce' Knowles set the record straight as she sang the nation's anthem again after a her last performance during the Presidential Inaguration 2013 when rumors spread of lip-syncing for the show.

As many may already know, Beyonce will be performing for the Super Bowl's half-time.  This week at a pre-Super Bowl conference, Beyonce sang the 'Star Spangled Banner' a cappella, live and ended her performances with last remarks, "Any Questions?"

After her performance she did admit to having wanting to perform with a pre-recorded sound due to some small delays that might have manipulated her performance during the Presidetial Inauguration.  She says that she is a perfectionist and in no way wanted her performance to go wrong.

Beyonce does say that she is "proud" of her performance.

Check out her rehearsal commercial and watch Day1, as one of music's heavy-weights prepare for a spectacular show.

