IHaveIssuesWednesdays: #RacistAds 2

''Jewellery has always flirted with circular shapes, especially for use in making earrings," read the fashion magazine's post. "The most classic models are the slave and creole styles in gold hoops."
"If the name brings to the mind the decorative traditions of the women of colour who were brought to the southern United States during the slave trade, the latest interpretation is pure freedom. Coloured stones, symbolic pendants and multiple spheres. "

Responding to tweets of outrage, Italian Vogue removed the article from the site on Monday to "prove our good faith and to show it wasn't our intention to insult anyone".
According to The Guardian newspaper, Franca Sozzani, editor-in-chief of Vogue Italia, described the article as a "really bad translation".
"The Italian word, which defines those kinds of earrings, should instead be translated into ethnic-style earrings," Sozzani said.

But many fashion followers are not convinced.
Schiavo, the word used in the initial story translates directly to "slave", while the Italian word for ''ethnic" is etnico.
The website no longer has "slave earrings" as the title but now has "ethnic earrings" in the page header. The editor also posted this comment after numerous complaints came in.
Here are some of the comments made by magazine readers.


  • avatar Mia R.
    5 hours ago
    Dear Vogue Italia, I'm pretty sure one of your highly intelligent fashion editors could have come up with a better way to describe hoop earrings other than "slave earrings". At this rate next month’s issue will feature "Holocaust bracelets". What a bunch of dipshits.
  • avatar Pat S.
    5 hours ago
    Big hoopla over nothing. Women wear large hoop earrings all the time and it is simply an adornment not a polical or ethnic statement. I understand those who are offended, but they must see slurs in almost everything. Get a life! PC is PC and earrings are not worthy of making such a big deal about. Focus outrage over more important things: like hunger in america and around the world and the wars going on.
  • avatar Chris S.
    11 hours ago
    Lost in translation or not, you people are seriously thoughtless and ignorant. Even to call them "ethnic"........what ethnicity do you refer to? There is an entire world of different ethnicities here on Earth. I can't say I know what planet you people are from though. I'll just have to suggest you go back......and take your magazine with you as well.
  • avatar S E Anderson
    13 hours ago
    To help support "Becca" and to help folk understand the centrailty, depth, horrors and resistance of modern slavery and the "slave trade", please read at least two books: The Black Holocaust for Beginners by S E Anderson and the Book of Negroes (also titled someone Knowd My Name) by Lawrence Hill. Find them at Amazon.com or Barnes and Nobles. It is the normalcy of racism over the centuries that allows millions of whitefolks everywhere on the planet to conceive art/craft that embodies insults passed off as "whimsical," "Exotic" and "quaint".
  • avatar tara
    19 hours ago
    Vogue I am appalled! You have lost my respect.
  • avatar George Geder
    1 day ago
    Vogue Italia, Anna Bassi, and all those connected with this issue; thank you for removing that hurtful editorial. Your decision was based upon OUR Decision to call you on your misdeed. Make no mistake about that. We, the people, will take your statement as an apology. We may boycott your publication(s), but we will take your statement as an apology. The horse is dead; time to stop beating it. Peace & Blessings, "Guided by the Ancestors
