I've Got ISSUES! We're Living in a Blind World

I am a big fan of philiosophy. If you follow me on Twitter you may notice I post my own philosophies and than some that have been spread throughout years.

Well one thing I've noticed lately in particular is the increase of ignorance in the American people. I say ignorance because based the movies we create, the music, fashion and etc, everything has become about the body.

You always have to look nice, there is always some restaurant to grab a bite to eat, but there's is nothing to enrich our minds in spirits.

It is proven that the average American waste at least 9 years of there life just watching television. http://www.csun.edu/science/health/docs/tv&health.html

Because of this, we are not engaging our minds anymore. We are more focused on being faster, having the latest technology, reaching points unknown to mind, and defying all odds. But when it comes to wisdom, it is unknown to be spread.

Some people spread the wisdom of lessons they have learned through mistakes. But why do we wait to do something WRONG to live life right?
This reminded me of the famous philosopher Plato's story the Allegory of the Cave.

If you have NEVER read it, it's a short read but here is the link http://www.wsu.edu/~wldciv/world_civ_reader/world_civ_reader_1/plat...
The essential point is that the prisoners in the cave are not seeing reality, but only a shadowy representation of it. The importance of the allegory lies in Plato's belief that there are invisible truths lying under the apparent surface of things which only the most enlightened can grasp. Used to the world of illusion in the cave, the prisoners at first resist enlightenment, as students resist education. But those who can achieve enlightenment deserve to be the leaders and rulers of all the rest. At the end of the passage, Plato expresses another of his favorite ideas: that education is not a process of putting knowledge into empty minds, but of making people realize that which they already know. This notion that truth is somehow embedded in our minds.

It's time to wake up people! We are all too intelligent to live foolish lives. We already have the knowledge within us. But it's up to us if we utilize it.
If you have NEVER read the story [it's very short too] than I attached the link for you to read it yourself. When your done, think about the decision you have made in the past and the ones you will make in the future.
peace & love
